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Nursing Ethics

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NET 7102 Nursing Ethics (2-0-0=2)

This course explores the fundamental principles of nursing ethics and encourages reflection on and discussion about personal and professional values within nursing practice contexts. Students will analyze some of the most common and difficult ethical dilemmas faced by nurses. These dilemmas will be analyzed with consideration to ethical reasoning and decision-making.

1. LECTURES (Powerpoint in PDF Format)
  1. UAE - UAE Ministers' Cabinet Resolution 10, 2009
  2. Malaysia - Act-14-06042017
  3. Philippines - Republic Act No. 9173
  4. India - ACT NO. 48 OF 19471
  5. Additional Reading - Nurse Practice Acts Guide and Govern: Update 2017

2.  Required Textbook 
    • Ellis, Peter (2020). Understanding Ethics for Nursing Students. 3rd Ed. Sage Publications

3. Assignment
    • Assignment - Please Download here. 

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Copyright ©2025 by Arnel Bañaga Salgado, PsyD, EdD, DSc
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